AFTERPAY Now Available | Proudly Made in Australia



The founding of our product goes all the way back to 2013 during an joint nation military exercise held in Australia.

WWC's founder (lets call him James), a junior member of one such organisation was given some advice from a senior counter part, along the lines of "you better get in to a sex shop and stock up while you still can".

Half joking, James did visit several adult shops and to his shock, found they had mostly sold out.

Flash forward several weeks, the exercise came to a close. As each respective unit cleared up their mess, bags and bags or rubbish were piled up.

Inside the many skips, were tons of sex toys ranging for pocket sized to entire replica bottoms.

Despite the expensive price tag of many of these items, they were not designed for long term use in environments where they couldn't be instantly and thoroughly cleaned.

This waste did not sit right James, who would go on to consider the problem over the years to come.


The Market.

Many products on the current market mostly use sleeves made from Thermoplastic Elastomer (TPE), which not only smell funky, but is particularly porous.
This means that often small germs will remain in the TPE unless very rigorous  cleaning efforts are made.
If you want to see first hand what can happen when one of our competitor's products is used and left under a bed for a few weeks, click below.
Warning, this link is pretty gross.
After experiencing this atrocity against nature, James swore to never use TPE in any sleeves. That is why instead the Tug Mug uses medical grade silicone, preventing such catastophies.

What's the Tug Mug all about?

Like most people, we don't think it's weird to masturbate. We also don't accept that people serving in unconventional environments should miss out on a good time because of limited resources to clean and maintain their portable pleasures.

That's why the team here at Wicked Wolf Co have designed a revolutionary product to vastly improve your 'alone time' and brings some game-changers to boot.


Why should you buy a Tug Mug? 

The light and protective case is not only discrete, but also pulls apart for effortless cleaning.

The Medical Grade Silicone is highly bacteria resistant, keeping it cleaner for longer. 

Its modular design allows for unprecedented customisation options - ranging from length & width to vibrations and sound (which will be available later down the track).

You'll also be giving back to the community with each sale contributing to men's health related charities of your choosing.