AFTERPAY Now Available | Proudly Made in Australia

Frequently Asked Questions

Thank you for your interest in our products.

We've included below a list of our most frequently asked questions.
If you can't find the answer you're looking for or would like to make a suggestion, please don't hesitate to message us here.
We are always seeking to maximise our user experience and will always do our best to take all suggestions under consideration


I've damaged, lost or simply just want to replace an individual part, what's next?
It happens, don't stress. We've taken steps to ensure that needing a new part doesn't mean buying an entirely new unit. Just get in touch with us using this form (including your invoice number where possible) and one of our staff will arrange the sale of a replacement part.
The sleeve I ordered is a little too tight or loose?
No worries! Unfortunately when it comes to sleeve elasticity, one size does not always fit all.
If you require a different size, please message us here and include your invoice number. 
We have the capacity to make larger/smaller sleeves on demand - so if you are worried in advance, flick us a message using the above link and we will accommodate accordingly :)
There are bubbles in my sleeve, should I be worried?
Not at all. As each sleeve is hand made (but not tested, don't worry), there will almost always be some small degree of air bubble trace left in the sleeve itself. 
This is an inevitable byproduct of our manufacturing process and shouldn't have any impact on the use or resilience itself unless the user is going out of their way to deliberately harm it.
Each unit will be quality controlled to ensure it reaches a high standard before fulfilment. Having said that, please contact us here with any concerns.
My product arrived damaged or faulty, what happens next?
While we take the utmost care to ensure a high standard of production occurs, we understand mistakes can happen. Should you find yourself in this unlikely position, please contact us using this web form and include as much information as you consider relevant - including pictures and an invoice number.
How much of your product is made in Australia?
In our planning, we originally intended for 100% of the product to be Australian made. When in came time to convert plans into reality, there were some components that simply were not economically feasible.
With the requirements for the cases to be injection moulded, local businesses charged between 300-400% higher than what could be found overseas, which was not viable for our humble startup.
The remaining componentry, including moulds, sleeves, packaging and lubricants are all proudly Australian made. Should circumstances afford so in the future, alterations to 100% Australian made will be pursued.
I'd like to make a suggestion or leave feedback, how can I get in touch?
We welcome all ideas and feedback, constructive or otherwise, as a means for improving our product and customer experience. Its not always easy for a new company to excel in every aspect - and so providing us with as much information as practical will go a long was in improving our organisation.
By using the Contact Us tab, you can pass on a message straight to our Company Director, James.
What are the Tug Mugs and Wet Stuff Lubricants made from?
The outer casing of the Tug Mug is made from Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) plastic. This is due to the light yet resilient nature of the material, making it perfect for keeping your unit safe. 
The Internal sleeve is a silicone rubber compound originally purposed for special effects prosthetics. As such, it is generally safe to use on skin - though we strongly urge consideration be taken where medical conditions apply. 
Our water-based Wet Stuff product was carefully selected not only for its standout performance as a lubricant, but also its practical cleaning requirements. More information on its ingredients can be found here

How should I clean my Tug Mug?

Excellent question! We've designed the Tug Mug to minimise cleaning effort and maximise longevity.
In short, we can categorise its cleaning under two classes: Field Home
Field Environment 
We recommend expelling as much waste out the back of it as possible. This can be achieved either through finishing with the back off or not inside the unit at all (less ideal). Remaining waste can be left to collect in the bottom cap over a short period of time and then wiped or washed free.
Once enough waste has cleared from the unit, a small amount of water (preferably hot) can be ran through to clean the remaining product. Running a microfiber cloth and or baby-wipe through the center to dry and clean the residual mess is also advised.
These steps will prolong the health of your Tug Mug out field but will not sustain it indefinitely. We suggest completing our home care recommendations once you've returned.
Home Care
When you have the time and resources available to clean your Tug Mug in a non-tac environment, we recommend these steps to be taken.
After finishing (this can be a reasonable time later), run warm water through the sleeve and rinse out any remaining residue; the sleeve can be inverted to help clean any stubborn parts.
Rinse or wipe any waste free from the plastic case.
Leave the units to drain and/or use a towel to dry.
We also recommend the user also clean their Tug Mug in a hot (not boiling) sink as they would a regular dish. This helps kill any resilient bacteria and prolong their Tug Mug's lifespan. This is especially recommended for users returning from a field environment.
Find a better way to clean it? We surprised but grateful, message us here with your suggestion :)
Where can Wicked Wolf Co Pty Ltd company policies be found?
Our Terms of Service can be found by following this link
Our Refund Policy can be found here,
And our Privacy Policy is located here.